Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wood Stove, NPIP testing, and a sprained ankle

The week flew by from the last time I posted.  Probably had something to do with the 2 15 hour work days I had at the beginning of the week.

We had our chimney inspected on Monday, and it looked great so our stove is now installed and ready for the cold weather that is hitting us this weekend.  We had to actually start a fire on Monday to burn off all the excess paint, sealants, etc and boy did it stink!!  so glad it was warm enough to have all the windows open.
Last night and today it was nice having that fire burning when we came in from taking care of the animals.  We don't have enough wood to get thru the whole winter but i think we have a pretty good start, don't you?

So Thursday Afternoon i was walking out the back door to go and feed the chickens some treats and check the mail, when Tempest (our little lab puppy we decided to keep to continue Mac's blood lines going) ran right under my feet and I fell spraining me ankle.  OUCH!!!  thankfully I was off from work the next day, and one of our friends had crutches and a walker for me to get around with.  I ended up with the walker bc I am so clumsy and it was just dangerous to use the crutches. I am still on the mend, and can now hobble around with out to much help or Hunter being afraid I am going to fall again.
Friday 9/30/11 was a big day here around the farm.  We had a representative come out from the NC dept. of Agriculture, and perform a blood test on all 67 of our chickens, to certify them NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan).  We passed 100% and will hopefully be also certified AI clean as well (the test has to be mailed off instead of getting instant result).  We have picked out our incubator and we finally are getting a 
good number of eggs as well.  We have gotten some breeding trios from one of my friends HenThymes, and we will hopefully have all our other different breeds and colors separated by the end of October.  I am also hard at work on getting our website up and stay tuned for that.