Wednesday, September 14, 2011

To hang out with Chickens...

So I often post on Facebook, that I am hanging out with my chickens. And my brother continually asks me, What does that mean? How do chickens hang out?  so I am here today to explain how one (mainly myself) hangs out with chickens.

First you must wear comfy clothes, that you don't mind getting dirty.  You also need a chair, towel or old blanket (I generally use a combination of all 3).  And then you need treats...any small yummy substance will work, my chickens are particularly in love with dried cranberries and cut up grapes.  Then you go and sit or lay down (I recommend sitting or squatting while feeding).  You become one with the chickens.  You talk to them in soothing tones. You gently stroke them when they come near.  You hug them and scratch under their wings or on their back.  After a while the chickens lose interest in you, and go about their business of scratching the ground, taking dust baths, or sunning themselves.  This is where I either A)get my camera and take photos B) read a book while still outside or C)go about my day as well.

and here are some photos for your viewing pleasure:

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