Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Chicken Palace...err Coop

it depends really on who you ask, hunter or me, as to what it is called.  i spent a lot of time researching different styles of chicken coops and this is the one that seemed to be best suited for what i was looking for.  i want all my different breeds to have their own space, which meant either building ten seperate small coops or one big coop with different sections for different breeds.  hunter managed to salvage a good bit of wood from our original coop, and our neighbor donated his tornado damaged shed to the coop as well.  we still have a good bit of fencing materials left from the dogs as well so we will be using it to wire the outside of the coop.  we went yesterday and bought our corner posts and spent the afternoon measuring it out and squaring it off. the measurements for the coop are 22x28  containing 5 4x8 stalls and 2 8x8 stalls, there is a hallway rnning between them and there will be a roof over top to help keep the chickens dry when it rains.  my friend jacob is going to help us solar power the coop as well to be able to provide air circulation, light, and possibly heat during the winter.  we are going to use a rain barrel to help supply water.  i am extremely excited about this coop and have to keep reminding myself that it will take longer than just a weekend to get it just right.  in the mean time the girls plus captain jack and morgan are enjoying their new and improved dog kennel.

For those of you who need to be able to visualize the project, this is the link to the coop that inspired us:

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