Thursday, May 26, 2011

What you are getting yourself into...

Alright I am going to yet again try my hand at blogging.  As many of you know I start out strong and then quickly become bored... but I am willing to try again.

So here goes....

Last Summer, Hunter and I purchased a house and some land (8 acres) in Ararat, NC.  We bought this house for several reasons and are slowly but surely bringing our dreams to reality.  We needed land for the dogs that Hunter raises and trains, but we wanted to be able to garden, and have fruit trees, and try out hobbies,etc.  So we built a fenced in area for the dogs, separated it into sections and now they can happily run around and just be dogs.  We then bought some fruit trees, it was late in the fall and it got cold a lot quicker than expected so they ended up living in the basement over the winter.  We also built our square foot gardening boxes and planted a fall garden.  We got some turnips, cabbage, greens and broccoli out of it before the frost took over.

Fast forward to Spring 2011...and where we are now.  We (mainly I) decided it would be fun to raise chickens.  Hunter agreed and our adventure began with us only getting 6 baby chicks from Tractor Supply...they tell you how addicting raising chickens are, what they don't tell you is there is no cure.
We now have over 50 little chickens of all varieties and ages with plans to get more in the future (this will be discussed more in depth in another post).  We survived a Tornado on April 5th, losing several trees, our new chicken coop, and our well house in the process.  We also had enough shingle damage to the roof to have a new one put on.  Hunter got to help with this process and we made some new friends along the way.  We also planted our spring garden this year and I will be updating you on its progress as we go along.  The Apple trees have been planted and plans are being made to purchase not only more apple, but peach, pear, and cherry as well.  We also have a brand new litter of Chocolate puppies born on May 9th.  Needless to say we are very, very busy right now.

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