Friday, June 24, 2011

Feeling very talkative today

So I spent this evening outside hanging out with my chickens.  It was later in the day, close to when they go to bed, so they were feeling much more snuggly.  It probably also helped that I brought pumpkin seeds to share with them.  I got some great pictures which I will probably load tomorrow.  It was really fun to watch as it got darker as the chickens put themselves to bed.  Bedtime is also probably when they are the noisiest as they have to all tell each other where they are going to sleep.  We have an old dog crate in there as shelter during storms and they will literally try and fit as many bodies on top of it as they can.  Except for the Cochins and my 2 little buff Silkies, they like to roost on a T-post we have threaded thru the fence.

Oh and I have also named almost all of them now.  Except the Silkies because they are still too hard to tell apart.  But we now have Americaunas: Amelia (Earhart), Violet, Sunny, Flapjack, and Rusty.  All of my Rhode Island Reds are now named as well, Ruby, Scarlet, Garnet, and Rouge.  The Buff Orpingtons are named: Dorothy, Ophelia, Honey, and Tillie. The Mille Fleur D Uccle pair are Mork and Mindy.  And my Frizzles are Frick and Frack.

Okay off to bed...Long day tomorrow at work.

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